Evvo sports

Have a question about our products and services? Please give us a call or dop in email and our team will respond to your query.


28 Genting Lane
#05-07, Platinum 28,
Singapore 349585

Get In Touch

+65 6258 4914

Seamless Collaboration

  • Share encrypted video, files, pictures and documents between coaches, managers, administrators, athletes and medical staff.
  • Coaches can share session plans, training based educating videos, performance in matches with co-staff and athletes.
  • Athletes can share feedback and tips, and images/videos of their participation in events with teammates
  • Admin and medical staff can exchange information to facilitate a safe play after successful rehab
Centralized Repository
  • Build your own video library by using links from Youtube, Vimeo,and such.
  • You can also upload nutritional recommendations, or instructions for the next game in excel documents, Word, PDF, or any graphical format you prefer.
  • Privilege based file sharing system allows you to select and share each folder to the right person and team.

Securely Share, Train and Grow Together!

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To track, plan and monitor the daily wellbeing of athletes.