Evvo sports

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28 Genting Lane
#05-07, Platinum 28,
Singapore 349585

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+65 6258 4914

A comprehensive sports platform to build winners

Designed for sports clubs/committees, the app allows users to input data and view information about athletes. You can input and manage medical records, physiological and performance testing, and other such sports-specific records and retrieve them as and when it is needed.

Evvo Sports Platform thus helps users keep track athletes, save coaches’ precious time and channel the time and energy to prepare athletes’ upcoming events.

Evvo Sports Platform

A Comprehensive Sports
Management Platform for

Managing nation-wide talent identification programs

  • Monitoring Wellness

  • Planning & Scheduling

  • Monitoring Daily Regime

  • History-based Risk Assessment

  • Sensors/wearable Integration

  • Planning Workout

  • Tracking Injuries

  • Conducting Online survey

  • Data Visualization

  • Colloboration and sharing

  • Custom branding

  • Shelving Electronic Medical Records/EMR

Evvo Sports Platform

For insightful care and performance

  • Hassle-free management of nation-wide talent identification programs

  • From beginners to professionals, optimize the health and performance of your athletes

  • Monitor health risk, plan training, track performance, and help recover, and prep your athlete for any big event

  • Track past injuries, manage medical records in a timely fashion, and help your athlete with appropriate rehab programs

  • Implement injury and illness surveillance to impart the right balance of training

  • Bring data and coaches, athletes, and performance specialists together to create a more accountable culture

  • Maximize the chances of medals at international events

  • Boost your athlete's chances of success at any sporting event

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To track, plan and monitor the daily wellbeing of athletes.